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Gender Equality:Elected Bodies

Project Host
50:50 Parliament
Charity Number
Project aims
To fight for gender equality in Parliament and other elected bodies across the UK in order to create a better, more representative, democracy for all.
Project description
50:50 Parliament raises awareness of the gender imbalance in Parliament and on Local Councils. Research underpins that increased gender balance has positive outcomes for everyone, leading to more caring societies as women tend to prioritise health, social care and education. Countries with women's leadership are less likely to go to war, less likely to commit human rights violations and peace deals have greater longevity. Women represent 51% of the UK population (but only 40%* of Parliament/ 38% of Councils) and our lived experience should come to bear on policy-making. Women’s presence is evident in new initiatives and focus around violence against women and girls. 50:50 is a non-partisan organisation; we work with all Parties to address the barriers to women's full participation in democracy and their ability to thrive in the political arena. We work with women all over the UK to inspire and support them to stand for elected office. We want to continue to target women outside of the usual pathways into politics - such as with a current project working with Black and ethnically minoritised women in the North West. We are a tiny charity with huge aspirations, and have a great track-record to date. *at risk
Contact name
Lyanne Nicholl


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