Poor women in self-help
Project Host
Ndola Nutrition Organisation
Charity Number
Project aims
The program will seek to improve the lives of 751 vulnerable women/children negatively affected by HIV through addressing poverty, food insecurity, malnutrition etc by empowering/supporting them in sustainable crop production, Self-Help Savings/Credit Groups, post-harvest management and food preservation.
Project description
Ndola Nutrition Organisation (NNO) intends to implement a program entitled “HIV affected children, adolescents and vulnerable women in self-help empowerment program (HAWEP)”. The program seeks to improve the lives of women/children affected by HIV/AIDS, poverty/food insecurity and other challenges such as nutrition deficiencies; in selected communities Masaiti District. The project will train 751 vulnerable women in sustainable agriculture practices, nutritious food preparation etc that will increase their agriculture yields and nutrition; resulting into enhanced quality of life for children under their care. HAWEP will establish and sustain Self-Help Savings and Credit Groups (SHSCG) through offering business and entrepreneurship skills etc. The groups will also be trained in management of saving groups and provided with opportunities for saving/lending and investing their incomes; thereby improving their standard of living. Households identified with severe/critical underweight HIV positive/exposed children will be trained in optimal child growth, locally available nutrient dense meals, food preparation, child growth monitoring, dietary diversity etc; resulting into enhanced quality of life and wellbeing of severe/critical underweight HIV positive/exposed children at household level.
NNO has been working with support from Egmont Trust UK. Watch our short 5 minutes video here:
NNO/Egmont Trust Film:
Contact name
Halumba Munachonga
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