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Solution to Social Change

Project Host
Rural Human Rights Activists
Charity Number
Project aims
Enhance the capacity of disadvantaged youth in Prison and from Prison, and those from poverty-stricken households in impoverished communities to reduce poverty, promote prosperity and freedom to become socially & economically sustainable.
Project description
Poverty has engulfed and reduced the moral values of youth thus contributing to school dropouts, engagements in the use of narcotic drugs, increased in prostitutions, Trafficking in Person (TIP), & migration. There is an increased in various crimes thus placing many youths into prisons. Many of the indigenous residents are leaving their homelands as foreigners gradually takeover. To contribute to addressing the above, the project Practical Solution to Social Change will enhance the capacity of disadvantaged youth in Prison and from Prison, and those from poverty-stricken households in impoverished communities to reduce poverty, promote prosperity and freedom to become socially & economically sustainable through livelihood & psychosocial training and placements. This will reduce youth perpetrated crimes, imprisonments, prostitution, sexual exploitations & internal Trafficking in Person (TIP) from poverty-stricken communities. This will enable youth from impoverished communities to positively contribute to societal growth be it in and out of prisons. For sustainability, RHRAP will establish institutional financial sustainability program (Social Enterprise Farm) to reduce donor dependency, support the long-term implementations of RHRAP’s Social Justice Programs. At the same time, the Social Enterprise Farm will serve as a training camp for various trainings including the expansion of the program.
Contact name
Lorma Baysah


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